Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer
I’m slowly journeying through the Halo saga on Legendary mode. Right now, I’m in the throes of Halo: Combat Evolved, bracing myself to tackle the dreaded level known as… The Library. Wish me luck!
In addition, I’ve got a couple of games lined up for review, so keep your eyes peeled for those next week! I’m also dipping my toes back into The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. No storyline progression for me this time—just wandering around Hyrule, gathering apples like there’s no tomorrow.
Hope you have a fantastic time gaming!
Jim Norman, Staff Writer
At the moment, I’m sort of in a gaming limbo, which I’ll likely yearn for once we hit the chaotic wave of summer and holiday releases. I’ve been revisiting my Pokémon Emerald game, and after 20 hours, I’m still fully immersed. Marvel Rivals has been eating into some of my time, and each time I switch on my console, Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake seems to taunt me. Perhaps this will be the week I finally give it the attention it deserves.
Additionally, after returning to Pokémon Snap, I’ve got this irrational urge to capture every possible shot and aim for 100% completion of this classic N64 gem. Mankey, watch out for flying shells!
Gonçalo Lopes, Contributor
The latest adventure, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, keeps me captivated with its ingeniously crafted dungeons, while humanity teeters on the brink in the Freespace 2 endgame. Sounds like the perfect excuse to launch into yet another Babylon 5 marathon—something of a regular ritual for me. Meanwhile, I’ve been making strides in Smuggler’s Run: Warzones and giving some love to the new Switch releases like Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter, Tales of Graces f Remastered (better late than never, right?), DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou, Strania -The Stella Machina- EX, and finally, Guilty Gear -Strive-!
For my game of the week, it’s The Lord of the Rings: War in the North. Almost took a nostalgic trip with Wii’s Aragorn’s Quest after seeing a recent top list of Lord of the Rings games, but opted for something still unplayed. Also, fun fact: Nolan North voices the Dúnedain ranger character here—what a missed golden opportunity for WB Games to market it as “War in the North with Nolan North.” Elendil would be proud indeed.
Gavin Lane, Editor
I spent a bit of time with Sutte Hakkun to capture some screenshots, and it instantly drew me in—I can’t wait to dive deeper. Besides that, I’m mixing it up with some Arco gameplay and revisiting some N64 classics on NSO to wind down. I dusted off Pokémon Snap this week, leading me to revisit a few old favorites, although the input lag threw off my Z-button skills in 1080. Clearly, it’s the lag at fault, not me being rusty. Time to train and tune up again.
Kate Gray, Contributor
Hello, it’s your friendly neighborhood fan of games that need a notebook in hand. I’m back at it with another one called The Roottrees are Dead! This detective game asks for real investigative work, like googling names, printing their photos, and pinning them on a wall with red tape! Coming hot on the heels of Rise of the Golden Idol, we truly are in a prime time for games that keep me sharpening my pencils. Sadly, like Her Story, it requires a keyboard, so I doubt it’ll ever grace the Switch. Could the Switch 2 lean more toward being a peripherals-friendly console? Here’s hoping!
Felix Sanchez, Video Producer
This weekend is dedicated to Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. I’ve ventured through two worlds so far, and while I’m not entirely hooked yet, I’m intrigued to see where it leads. On the handheld front, I’m progressing in Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box on my trusty DS Lite, nearing the story’s climax. Yesterday, I finally cracked a challenging chess puzzle that had me stumped for quite a bit… haha… ha…
That’s how our gaming weekend is looking, but what about yours? Let us know in the poll below which games you’ll be firing up in the coming days.