Ayaneo recently introduced its Ayaneo Pocket DMG on IndieGogo, showcasing a handheld device that merges GameBoy style with modern tech. Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2, this OLED marvel is priced at an enticing $339 for the base model, which comes with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. If you’re eyeing the high-end model, it’s listed at $499, offering 16GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, and for those feeling nostalgic, there’s a “Retro Color” limited edition priced at $589, all under Early Bird pricing.
For its cost, the Snapdragon chip inside delivers commendable performance for high-end mobile gaming, allowing you to enjoy titles like Genshin Impact smoothly at 60 FPS. It even handles console emulations up to GameCube and PlayStation 2 without a hiccup, even if you’re pushing higher internal resolutions. Although Valve’s Steam Deck might offer broader gaming options at a lower price if you’re not aiming to supplement an existing PC handheld, the Pocket DMG’s niche is undeniable.
With a glance beyond the specs and pricing, the Pocket DMG impresses with its features packed into a compact form. It’s equipped with hidden trigger buttons, coastline shoulder buttons, optional motion controls, and a right touchpad, ensuring you’re well-equipped for modern gaming, especially when streaming from your PC. Even though the analog stick is petite, it’s a hall-effect stick, meaning it’s resistant to the pesky drift many gamers dread.
Some might argue that an OLED display seems excessive for a handheld of this size, but it competes with rivals like the Analogue Pocket, which opts for a sharp 1440p LCD. The Ayaneo Pocket DMG displays with a 3.92-inch OLED at a 1,240 x 1,080 resolution, covering an impressive 104% NTSC color gamut with brightness peaking at 450 nits. The low input latency typical of OLEDs indeed makes this gadget a prime choice for retro gaming, albeit not the top pick for AAA gaming, unlike the superior Steam Deck OLED or other powerful PC handhelds.
The Ayaneo Pocket DMG stands out as a robust option for emulation and Android gaming. Even though the 12GB and 16GB RAM models feel a bit over the top for something that’s not a PC handheld, the intense demands of modern mobile games and emulation justify them. However, the best value seems to lie in the entry-level model, which you can cleverly enhance with an SD card.
Moreover, the device supports USB 3.2 Gen 2 with a Type-C port allowing up to 10 Gigabits of data throughput, alongside Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3. While its wired connectivity may not be groundbreaking, it suffices for smaller game and file transfers. Plus, the Wi-Fi 7 support at up to 30 Gigabits per second is a major gain for seamless Steam Remote Play.
Lastly, it’s crucial to remember that backing a crowdfunding project like this comes with risks. Think of it as an investment in a vision you believe in, not a straightforward purchase of a finished product.