Abebe Tinari, who directed Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon, is making a significant career move from Japan’s Platinum Games to Finland’s Housemarque. He’s stepping into the role of Lead Game Designer at the renowned Finnish studio known for its unique approach to gaming.
Attentive users on the ResetEra forum were the first to notice Tinari’s LinkedIn update, which now lists Housemarque as his current employer. While the specifics of his new project remain under wraps, there was a hint from a previous job posting that Housemarque is diving into a AAA action game complete with intense boss battles.
In December, Tinari shared on BlueSky that he’s relocated to Helsinki, sparking discussions among users about his destination. Many correctly identified Housemarque as his likely new home, although some speculated he might join Remedy, the creators of Alan Wake.
Tinari’s tenure at Platinum Games extended over 11 years, commencing with his contributions to the English localization of Bayonetta 2. He then ascended to direct Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon. His portfolio also includes work on titles such as Granblue Fantasy: Relink, Star Fox Guard, and the never-launched Xbox exclusive Scalebound.
Upon its 2023 release for the Nintendo Switch, Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon garnered positive reviews, earning a commendable Metascore of 80 on Metacritic. Tinari, along with Bayonetta’s creator Hideki Kamiya, played a significant role in its storytelling.
Housemarque, settled in the vibrant city of Helsinki, has undergone several evolutions since its inception in 1993. The studio first gained widespread recognition with titles like Super Stardust HD and Dead Nation on the PS3. Their knack for classic arcade-inspired games is evident in hits like Resogun, Alienation, and Nex Machina.
Venturing into new territory, Housemarque released Returnal in 2021, a PS5 roguelike third-person shooter that marked a shift from their traditional style. This game captivated critics and has seen continued support post-launch. According to our reviewer Chandler Wood, Returnal earned a perfect score of 10, calling it “an essential PS5 title, now and throughout the console’s life.”