“Dreams on a Pillow” invites players into an immersive video game that explores the profound 1948 Nakba, a tragic chapter in history where around 700,000 individuals were forced from their land and homes during the Zionist occupation. This ambitious project is the brainchild of Palestinian developer Rasheed Abu-Eideh. But before diving into the nuances of this new venture, let’s take a moment to reflect on his earlier work.
Back in 2016, Abu-Eideh introduced gamers to “Liyla and the Shadows of War,” a poignant game that painted a vivid picture of the 2014 Gaza assault, known as Operation Protective Edge, through the eyes of a young Palestinian girl and her family. The game was short yet profoundly moving, skillfully combining platforming elements with a choose-your-own-adventure narrative. This impactful title was later included in a 2021 Indie Bundle Pack, which impressively collected almost $900,000 for Palestinian aid via UNRWA USA.
“Liyla and the Shadows of War” is accessible for free on mobile devices and Windows PCs now. However, upon its initial release in 2016, the game faced significant hurdles. It was rejected by the Apple App Store as a game due to its political themes, with Apple suggesting it be categorized as “News” or “Reference” instead. This sparked a debate about the inconsistency of their policy, highlighted by the fact that a game called “Israeli Heroes” was accepted without issues. After voicing his concerns publicly on social media, Abu-Eideh eventually succeeded in having Liyla recognized as a game by Apple.
Turning back to “Dreams on a Pillow,” this project is currently in the crowdfunding stage, with Abu-Eideh seeking support via LaunchGood until January 13. The funds will go towards developing game assets, outsourcing essential components, and covering salaries for his nine-member team. The release of this highly anticipated game is targeted for the fourth quarter of 2026.