Fisch, the beloved Roblox fishing simulator, is renowned for its collection of hard-to-catch fish. But nothing compares to the challenge introduced during Fischmas 2024: snagging the Northstar Serpent. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to reel in this elusive aquatic prize.
The Northstar Serpent holds the title of the rarest fish in Fisch. Besides its incredibly low catch rate, it comes with a formidable 90% progress speed reduction, demanding that you gear up properly before attempting to catch it.
### Where to Find the Northstar Serpent in Fisch
Since the Northstar Serpent is an exclusive feature of Fischmas 2024, its home is in the special event area. Luckily, reaching Winter Village is swift and easy from any point on the map, thanks to the Magical Snow Globe’s teleportation abilities. Once there, make your way down the cliff to the right of the spawn point to access the waters inhabited by the Northstar Serpent.
### How to Catch the Northstar Serpent in Fisch
Although all Fischmas creatures are of Event rarity, capturing the Northstar Serpent stands out as an overwhelmingly tougher challenge. Your chances are so slim that you might find yourself casting your line in Winter Village from dawn till dusk without a bite.
To tip the odds in your favor, timing is key. The Serpent thrives in foggy conditions, so keep an eye out for foggy days or use a Smokescreen Totem. These totems can spare you the wait, allowing you to maintain foggy weather as long as you have enough on hand.
Choosing the right bait is equally crucial. Opt for the Holly Berry bait, an event-exclusive with high Preferred and Universal Luck, not to mention extra Resilience perks. The Northstar Serpent has a particular taste for this bait, giving you an edge in attracting it.
Don’t forget to wield your best fishing rods. Given that a typical Northstar Serpent weighs around 17,000 Kg—and can balloon up to 60,000 Kg—your fishing gear needs to be top-notch. The Rod of The Eternal King, Rod Of The Depths, or Kings Rod is recommended due to their capacity to counteract the severe progress speed debuff. These rods are champions in battling the Serpent’s weight and resilience issues.
Utilize these strategies, and eventually, the Northstar Serpent will be a proud addition to your Fisch collection. It’s a tough catch, but with persistence and the right tools, you’ll have it eventually!