Hideki Kamiya, a prominent figure in the gaming world known for his involvement with Capcom, recently expressed regret for lashing out at an Okami fan on Twitter. The original Okami has earned its place as a cult classic among gamers, largely due to its distinct art style and captivating gameplay. Kamiya, known for leading various successful game projects, including Okami, has a reputation for being unfiltered on social media, often drawing comparisons to other outspoken figures like Tekken’s Katsuhiro Harada. He’s never shy about sharing his opinions or blocking users who irritate him.
In a major career shift, Kamiya, after leaving his role at Platinum Games, has rejoined Capcom to establish Clovers. This new studio is essentially a modern revival of Clover Studio, which was shuttered two decades ago. The formation of Clovers was announced during the Game Awards 2024, alongside an unexpected Okami sequel reveal. For fans of this beloved series, who haven’t seen a new installment since Okamiden in 2010, this announcement was a delightful surprise.
The news set the Okami fanbase buzzing, and Kamiya himself admitted to watching several reaction videos on YouTube. He mentioned on Twitter, through a translation from Automaton, that he was particularly moved by a video featuring a YouTuber named Skittzipoo, who was visibly thrilled about the sequel. Upon recognizing her from previous Twitter interactions, Kamiya recalled that he had previously insulted her. In a moment of self-reflection and with a rather dramatic flair, Kamiya expressed his remorse, stating, “I want to snap my own neck off…”
Highlighting the incident further, Kamiya issued an apology to Skittzipoo, tweeting, “I love this person… I’m sorry about before…” This apology comes from a man whose Twitter persona is notoriously fiery. He’s known for his refusal to engage with English questions, blocking users who intentionally provoke him with aggravating inquiries.
In the aftermath, several fans reached out, asking if he could reconsider unblocking them on Twitter. True to form, Kamiya bluntly declined these requests, often referring to these individuals as “insects” and urging them to stop pestering him with irritating questions.
Okami, known for its stunning Sumi-e ink art style, allows players to delve into a beautifully crafted world as Amaterasu, a goddess taking the form of a legendary white wolf. The game, which lets players experience its narrative in both modern widescreen and its original 4:3 ratio, continues to be celebrated. Originally released back in September 2006, it maintains its high acclaim and is beloved for its mixture of humor, epic fantasy, and undeniable charm.