Level-5 made a significant comeback in the Western gaming market earlier this year with the launch of Megaton Musashi W: Wired. Now, eight months later, the mech battling game is gearing up for an exciting new update called ‘Megarobo Batroseum,’ which is set to hit the Switch on November 26th.
Highlighted in the latest trailer, this substantial update introduces a thrilling online PvP mode named ‘Megarobo Batroseum.’ In this mode, players choose from a selection of pre-set mechs and dive straight into the action. Whether you’re looking to challenge friends or join a room with players who have similar match rule preferences, this update has got you covered. Sounds intriguing, right?
That’s just the beginning. The game will also feature new Battle Royale and Team Battle modes for both one-on-one duels and hectic free-for-alls. Players can look forward to new stat-boosting items and the innovative ‘Sengi’ system, which grants each unit a special ability that builds up during the battle.
But wait, there’s more! The ‘Megarobo Batroseum’ update also brings in a selection of new stages and pilots. These pilots can be used in certain story missions and online play, including the PvP mode.
You can catch a glimpse of all these exciting new features in the trailer above. For those who prefer reading over watching, the full list of updates is available on the Megaton Musashi website.
When Megaton Musashi W: Wired dropped on the Switch earlier this year, it was a hit among players. Our review praised the game as “a solid comeback for Level-5, delivering engaging mech-battling action that feels like the year’s most underrated release.”
Have you given this game a spin yet? Is there an update feature you’re particularly thrilled about? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[Source: megaton-musashi.jp, via youtube.com]
Jim joined Nintendo Life in 2022. Despite his firm belief that The Minish Cap is the ultimate Zelda game and his unyielding passion for the Star Wars prequels (yes, really), he continues to provide news and features on the site to this day.