“Smells Like a Mushroom” from Red Limb Studio is an action-packed, quirky adventure that immerses players in a truly eccentric world. In this game, you step into the shoes—well, roots—of a valiant carrot named Carrotado. Your mission? Save the universe from the clutches of malicious fungi. Let’s dive into our review and see what this game brings to the table!
Imagine the Milky Way overrun with villainous foes: the Magic Mushrooms. These creatures have been dominating planets, and it’s up to you to halt their rampage. Taking to the cosmos, Carrotado is driven by a personal vendetta; he lost his wife to these fungal fiends during the prologue. This also doubles as a handy tutorial to help you grasp the game’s mechanics. Whether you decide to embark on this intergalactic journey solo or with a friend in local co-op, Carrotado’s task is one of urgency and importance.
The game offers a selection of difficulty levels to suit different preferences. Players can choose from Easy, Normal, or Hard, with a Nightmare mode unlockable later on. Easy mode is perfect for those seeking a relaxed gaming session, offering minimal resistance from foes. Normal mode provides a balanced challenge, while Hard mode ups the stakes with more aggressive enemies. As for Nightmare, it’s designed for those who truly crave a daunting challenge—but don’t worry, you’ll need to unlock it first.
As far as controls go, you’ll use the left analog stick to maneuver and the right analog stick to keep an eye on your surroundings. Sprint using the R1 button, and dash with L1. The Square button allows interaction with your environment. Jump and double jump are mapped to the X button, and attacks are carried out with R2. To swap your weapon, just press up or down on the D-Pad, and L2 lets you zoom in for a better view. Keep track of your inventory by tapping the Triangle button.
Throughout your missions, collecting scrap is key. This in-game currency can be used to enhance various aspects of your character, bolstering your defensive and offensive capabilities. You can extend your life bar, add extra lives for continued attempts after failures, reduce the cooldown time for attacks, enlarge your weapon’s magazine, or even unlock fresh firearms to aid your quest.
If you’re a trophy hunter, you’ll be pleased to find a comprehensive trophy list waiting for you, consisting of a hefty 27 Bronze, 15 Silver, and 2 Gold trophies. Those aiming for the elusive Platinum will need to complete a series of missions across different planets, collect hidden customization items, and uncover three secrets on each planet, with trophies tied to each discovery. For those needing a hand in this endeavor, the Smells Like a Mushroom Trophy Guide might just be your best friend.
Now back to our intrepid Carrotado, who ventures into this universe-saving campaign that’s teeming with personality and creativity. Whether playing alone or with a buddy via local co-op, “Smells Like a Mushroom” serves up a truly unique gameplay experience. This delightful action game is now available on PlayStation 5, priced at $24.99.
This review of Smells Like a Mushroom is based on the PlayStation 5 version provided by Red Limb Studio. Enjoy your zany journey through the galaxy, and remember: beware the mushrooms!