OneXPlayer has just rolled out its latest innovation, the X1 Pro, and it’s creating quite a buzz in the tech world. This versatile device is turning heads with its triple-use capability, seamlessly transitioning between a laptop, a tablet, and a handheld gadget. Joining the ranks of the F1 Pro and the Ayaneo 3, the X1 Pro is among the first handhelds to be equipped with AMD’s cutting-edge Zen 5 Strix Point APUs. It’s set to be a formidable rival to GPD’s anticipated Pocket 4 mini-laptops.
The X1 Pro’s adaptability is its standout feature, making it a jack-of-all-trades—it’s as effective on a desk as it is on the go. Just like the Pocket 4, it boasts the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor, delivering an impressive performance with its 12 cores (divided into four Zen 5 and eight Zen5c) in a dual-CCX framework. It comes with 12MB of L2 cache and 24MB of L3 cache, reaching boost speeds of up to 5.1 GHz. Graphics aren’t left behind either, with the integrated Radeon 890M offering 16 Compute Units. The HX 370’s NPU, based on AMD’s XDNA 2, churns out a stunning 50 TOPS of AI power.
When it comes to visuals, the X1 Pro doesn’t disappoint. Its display features a 10.95-inch 120 Hz LTPS panel, likely an IPS, offering crisp visuals at a 2560×1600 resolution. The screen is vivid and vibrant, covering 138% of the sRGB color space and reaching 540 nits in brightness. Storage is customizable, ranging from 1TB to 4TB, with read speeds hitting 7.1 GB/s and write speeds of 6.5 GB/s, all within a 2280 form factor. A MicroSD card slot is also a thoughtful addition for expanding storage options.
In terms of pricing, there’s a range to fit your storage and RAM needs. The presale offers some savings, with the 1TB model priced at $1,399 and the 4TB version going for $1,799. Once the presale is over, expect a slight bump up in prices.
Powering all this tech is a 65.02Wh battery, which the company claims can last up to eight hours, although in real-world usage, especially in high-performance modes, you might expect around two hours. Charging needs are efficiently managed with the inclusion of a 100W Gallium Nitride charger. The X1 Pro also comes with Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.2 support, ensuring you’re always connected.
For gamers, the X1 Pro has upped its game with hall-effect RGB joysticks designed to combat stick drift. As for connectivity, it offers an array of options—two USB 4.0 ports, an OCuLink interface, a MicroSD card slot, a USB 3.2 Type-A port, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
The X1 Pro is available for pre-order starting today. Early birds can grab it at a special presale price, with shipping slated to begin on January 3rd. Plus, OneXPlayer plans to showcase the X1 Pro alongside other exciting tech at CES 2025 next month, providing a perfect opportunity to experience this innovative device firsthand.