Following the buzz generated by the triumphant release of Sea of Thieves, Rare, the renowned British game studio, stirred excitement once more by announcing their next big project back in November 2019. The game, named Everwild, made its debut with a trailer that was more about setting a mood than revealing any gameplay details, showcasing an enchanting world filled with mystical creatures and magic.
A year later, Rare dropped another trailer for Everwild in 2020. However, this second look maintained the same air of mystery, providing neither concrete information nor a release date. Since then, updates on Everwild have been sparse. In fact, there were long stretches where any mention of the game was absent, leaving fans in the dark about its development.
Rumors circulated in 2021 that Rare had internally rebooted the project with hopes of a 2024 launch. Yet here we are, on the brink of 2025, and Everwild remains elusive.
So, what’s the story here? Sadly, details are still scant. On the bright side, Rare did toss fans a little bone, showing signs that Everwild is still in the works. In a holiday tweet, Rare shared a festive greeting card featuring a fresh image from the game. Alongside the image, the team extended their holiday wishes to fans, acknowledging that it’s just a single picture, but a reminder nonetheless of the game’s ongoing development.
The message from Rare read: “Hope you’re closing the year out in style and, as it’s the day of fine gifts and finer food, here’s our offering – a delicious png for you to enjoy!” They cheerfully signed off with, “Right, we’re off to eat a Patagotitan’s hypothesised weight in sweets. ‘Til 2025!”
In light of this, fans are left speculating whether this could mean Everwild has something brewing for 2025. Will it be the game’s release, or perhaps just a more detailed reveal with a launch date set for 2026 or later?
Whatever the case, it’s clear from the social media response that even a small gesture from Rare has rekindled hope and excitement among fans, eager to see Everwild take shape, despite having so little tangible news to go on as we wrap up 2024.